Saturday, November 17, 2012

Baby Ty | Newborn Pictures

My brother and sister-in-law had their first baby. He looks so much like them!
Welcome to the family Ty, we already love you!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Pictures

We have a tradition every Halloween we have a party and dress up. It was fun!
My little Woody wouldn't didn't like to keep his hat on. 

We didn't think this little guy and his mommy and daddy would make it because of complications but just mommy couldn't make it. We are so glad that everything is working out with his mommy! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Little girls!

Sneak peek!
These little girls are so adorable! I had fun playing with them and capturing their personalities. 

 I could not decide if i liked this in color or black and white. What one do you like?

 Have to have little girls in tutus and hats :)

This one is too adorable!!!

 I think this last one is my favorite. They have their own little thoughts, and you can read it on their face's. Very beautiful little girls!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mini Session

Hurry and schedule your mini session now before time runs out!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Maternity Pictures | Bailey & Dakota

Sneak Peek
I had so much fun taking these pictures. We didn't have a lot of time for this session, because we got started late and then had to be done at a certain time. But it went perfectly! I love how these pictures turned out. 
I hope you all like them as much as I do!

I can't wait to meet baby Ty!

Friday, September 7, 2012

3 months old

She is 3 months already. Time goes so fast. I'm so thankful that she is healthy and growing well, I just wish it would go a little slower. She is such a miracle little girl!

She is a perfect baby. She is always happy, smiling, and she loves to coo and tell me stories. I enjoy having her in my life! I am so blessed.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Mother and daughter

This is my favorite way to hold my daughter! There is nothing more heavenly then holding a baby. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Baby feet

I am NOT a feet person. But I do have to admit that there is something precious about baby feet.  They are so teeny tiny! And I love my baby's feet!

I love pearls and babies together, don't you?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

iphone + pocket + my mother

I wanted to title this "My butt is hot!" but thought that it might not be appropriate.
My little sister text  texted  text?  text me asking if I would tell our mother to check her phone. I walked over to her and showed her the text. My mom looked at me and said "My butt must be too hot, my phone isn't working." I started laughing and she tried to rephrase it by saying something to the fact that her phone was in her pocket and now its not working. Whatever Mom! 

I just wanted to take this oppertunity to say I love you mom! She is always there for me and she makes me laugh. I am a lot like her and she always understands how I feel. My mom is a fun lady to be around, you just need to take the time to get to know her!

Thank you for all that you do for me Mom.
I LOVE this picture! I took it of her on Mother's Day sporting her new beach hat.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Family Pictures

WEll I finally was able to capture a new family picture of us. I know everyone at the park was laughing watching us, i know i would have. Seeing a two year old running around and the mom run to the camera change settings and get everything straight and then run after the little boy grab him and feed him a Swedish Fish and then go back to the camera click the button, then hurry to sit back down smiling and making sure the little boy is kind of looking at the camera BEFORE the self timer goes off. 
(Wow that was a long sentence :))

Monday, June 18, 2012

3 week old photos

I have been a little busy with my new little bundle of joy!
 This was a very difficult pregnancy. I was bed ridden from 29 weeks and that meant i had to have help with my little boy too. Then my amniotic fluid was low so she wasn't getting all that she was suppose to get, so they wanted to induce 3 weeks early. They set the date and after they induced me they had to stop my contractions right away and perform an emergency c-section. After they pulled her out they found out that the cord was wrapped around her neck twice. 
Well she came healthy and beautiful. 
4 lbs 8 oz. and 17 in long

Here is one picture for now, until I get around to editing the other pictures. But for now I'm going to enjoy every minuet because time goes to fast!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Tyler's 2012 Senior Pictures

I took Tyler's senior pictures and I really had fun finding cool places have him pose in front of. Here is his sneak peek! Enjoy. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Kyla's Photo Shoot

 I took beautiful Kyla's pictures and she is one little active girl! I was running all over chasing this little girl wondering where she would go next. I had so much fun chasing her! She is such a cute little girl, and she has beautiful blue eyes!