Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Project 52 - Pattern

Project 52 - Pattern

When choosing what to wear remember patterns are fun and can add a lot to your images. Different colors and patterns, layers and textures are just a few things that will change everything! 

This guy is a stud!!! 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Project 52 - Family

Project 52 - Family

Family is so important! And my family means everything to me!!! 
WE went hiking today and just spent time as a family, and out in the peaceful nature with my family was heaven. I am so grateful that I will be able to spend eternity with my family!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Project 52 - Reading

Project 52 - Reading

I love to read! I didn't always feel that way. Growing up, I never saw my parents read. When ever they read it was because they had to. So that was how I felt. But one day something changed; my parents we out of town and my siblings and I were staying with my grandparents. My step-grandma started talking to me about a book that just came out and was "popular".  She told me I could start reading it if I wanted to, and having nothing to do I started looking at it. I wanted to read it, but I did not want to read her book because I was scared nervous to bend any pages or hurt the book in any way. I put the book down but decided that I would remember the book to read it later. Well... my uncle came over and ended to go to a store and I asked if I could go with him. Little did I know he needed to go to a book store to get a book. While we were there I looked for the book, and I found it and when my uncle found me I was reading some of it. He then bought it for me. And from that moment I loved to read!

Do you like to read? What are your favorite books or Authors?

Monday, July 21, 2014

Project 52 - Hat

Project 52 - Hat

 Its amazing how much a hat or a necklace can add to an image. Remember when you book a session to accessorize. Layer; wear jewelry, have a scarf, wear vests, headbands, etc. If you have questions if it looks good ask me! Im happy to help!